
Innovative support for your success: Discover our wide range of offers.


Mentoring offers the opportunity to network with like-minded people and discuss clinical questions on selected cases - knowledge is shared at the AID Foundation! Participants are asked to briefly present their own cases, which are then discussed in the group. It is important that no lectures are given by the mentor team, but that an intensive dialog develops between all participants. Take advantage of our vibrant community of experts and register today.

Procedure and general conditions

The mentoring consists of a total of 4 meetings, each lasting 2 hours. The participation fee is CHF 400 for all 4 events and is credited with 10 training hours.

The topics and the "trap owners" for the next event will be determined in each case during the current event. Before the first event, the respective mentor teams will contact the participants in advance to coordinate.

In order to facilitate an interesting and informative discussion, we ask all participants to prepare documentation of their cases (some photos and radiographs will suffice) and bring them on a USB stick in Keynote or PowerPoint.

Catering is provided.

Membership in the AID is a prerequisite for participation.

The number of participants per program is limited to 15.

For mentoring with 4 meetings, participation in at least 3 events is expected.

It is possible to join ongoing programs. Please contact us and let us know which current course you are interested in. If there are still opportunities to join, we will be happy to include you as a member in the program.

AID Symposium

Review 2024

Impressions AID Symposium 2024

AID my generation Symposium

The 2025 theme will be announced soon.

The first AID my generation Symposium - Review 2023

Let's remember together the outstanding AID my Generation Symposium 2023, an inspiring start. Our main topic: posterior implants.

    AID my generation Academy

    Oral implantology requires an interdisciplinary understanding and knowledge. The Academy specifically promotes the interdisciplinary exchange of knowledge that is essential for successful and long-term reconstruction.

    The University of Zurich and the AID Foundation - two strong partners for innovative continuing education and sustainable educational cooperation - have designed the Academy to enable young dentists to enter the field of oral implantology on an equal footing, taking into account the latest developments, technologies and proven implantology activities.


    • A solid basic knowledge can be acquired by attending congresses and studying specialist literature intensively. Nevertheless, the true significance of implantology only becomes apparent in clinical practice.

    When preparing to place implants or plan complex treatments, it often becomes desirable to consult an experienced practitioner. Accompanying an experienced clinician during an operation offers the opportunity to experience clinical reality first-hand and learn valuable lessons. However, in order to master all the intricacies, it is essential to treat at least one or more cases in your own practice under the guidance of an expert in the role of an assistant.

    This is where we come in with a coaching program specially tailored to the younger generation. With experienced clinicians, both beginners and experts will find the ideal training opportunity according to the motto "In the thick of it instead of just there"

    Procedure and general conditions

    Four modules are offered. The number of training hours for this program is based on the corresponding duration of the modules. The details of the framework conditions must be discussed directly with the coach.

    Participants take their own cases with them for a solution-oriented discussion/processing with an expert

    In the practice of the coach

    Evening event

    Accompany and assist the expert in his practice in his surgical and prosthetic work

    In the practice of the coach

    1/2 or 1 day

    Carrying out the initial procedure under the supervision/assistance of an experienced expert and training the dental assistants

    In the practice of the coached dentist

    1/2 or 1 day

    Performing a procedure under the supervision and assistance of an experienced expert

    In the practice of the coached dentist

    1/2 or 1 day

    Andreoni Claude
    Benic Goran
    Chatzis Nikolaos
    Cionca Norbert
    Crameri Manuel
    Damerau Georg
    Eisner Barbara
    Gisler Vanessa
    Grohmann Philip
    Grunder Ueli
    Heierle Linda
    Huber Samuel
    Hunter Kurt
    Jaquet Robin
    Jaquiéry Claude
    Meyenberg Konrad
    Minoretti Roger
    Ramel Christian
    Schneider David
    Troxler Kilian
    Truninger Thomas
    Villard Nicolas
    Wolleb Torrisi Karin
    Zbären Christoph